Here you’ll find questions that we are frequently asked by doctors and companies within the occupational health management field. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email us at and we’ll get back to you.

Frequently asked questions from doctors:

Who covers the costs of recruitment consulting?

All costs for successfully filling a vacancy are borne by the company. There are no costs as a candidate. Being admitted to our database, any company interviews and final placement are all free of charge for candidates.

How is data protection guaranteed?

We use and save personal data solely in compliance with the German Data Protection Act.

How are personal documents dealt with?

It goes without saying that we observe complete confidentiality. Before we forward your application documents on to our customers with suitable vacancies, we will always ask for your consent. Should you wish to have your data deleted, please let us know and we will do so immediately.

How long does the application process last?

There is no set length, as the process is different for every customer. We will, however, keep you up to date and regularly informed about the current status of the application process at all times.

Who are docatwork’s customers?

We mainly support large and medium-sized companies from different fields, as well as hospitals, cities and towns, local authorities and occupational medicine centres in Germany, Austria and the German-speaking part of Switzerland. We help them search for and select occupational physicians and specialists in occupational medicine.

Is there help and support available when putting together your application?

We analyse your documents and check whether the content is complete, transparent, structured and meaningful. We will answer any additional questions you may have and give you individual tips and advice for compiling your application documents. The process of compiling and structuring an entire application is highly complex and therefore subject to a fee.

Frequently asked questions from companies:

Which approaches/search methods does docatwork use?

In a personal consultation with decision-makers, we analyse the vacant position, the business environment and your management organisation, and advise you on the likelihood of filling the vacancy. We approach suitable candidates on the basis of their specific experience. We take a direct approach by telephoning the candidates and therefore point your search towards the desired target group. Alongside these efforts, we place ads in various media, on industry-specific websites, networks and, if applicable, in the trade press.

Do you have an extensive network?

As a recruitment consultancy that specialises in occupational physicians and occupational medicine specialists in Germany, we have an excellent market knowledge of this area and can draw on many years of experience and a great network of candidates from the whole of Germany. We will be happy to provide you with an assessment of the occupational medicine labour market in your area, as well as your chances of a successful search.

What costs are involved?

Please get in contact with us – we will be happy to provide you with a detailed, individual offer.

Can you provide us with references?

If requested, we will send you a selection of references from our customers who we were able to successfully support in their search for staff in the field of occupational medicine. If you are particularly interested, we can also provide you with the telephone numbers of the respective contact person after having given them prior notice.

Regulations on gender-neutral language:

We respect equality!

For the sake of simplicity, we have decided to use the male form to signify different groups of people on our Website.